Year 2013 is considered to be loaded geopolitical tensions and economic. Tensions, so predictable, it is emphasized as the year will leak, they will take violent forms. That are actually real reasons for concern: Iran, Syria, Islam which gains ground in Middle East, fragile economy of the southern European countries, the rivalry between Japan and China. What is the biggest threat to international stability? Iran.
Year 2013 risks becoming Iran if nuclear program is not stopped Ayatollah policy of economic sanctions and military intervention becomes a necessity. Basically Israel expects the Obama administration to find a solution to the problem in the next six months, which somehow and U.S. President assumed the mission electoral mention just a few.
Obama said he would not allow Iran to acquire nuclear bomb. How to convince America to Islamic leaders in Tehran to abandon this project and whether the U.S. delay too long will force the Israelis to enter directly into the game and themselves to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities? This is the question that chancelleries Western politicians must find an answer. Obviously this issue needs to be resolved this year one way or another.
The problem of war against Iran means a source of global instability will generate reactions in the Muslim world and will break global geostrategic balance maintained until now. Israel relations are a measure of balance in the East area. The recent application of Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority president, in which he urged the General Assembly to grant Palestine UN observer state status has resulted in inconsistent responses worldwide. General Assembly vote was a comfort to the Palestinians. Israel responded by continuing aterial policy of colonization of territories in Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stating that it constitutes a danger to the entire world in exchange Syria and Iran, yes. Beginning of 2013 marks the two years since the outbreak of the Syrian conflict, considered at the time a natural phenomenon known name associated with the revolutionary wave of the Arab Spring that has swept North Africa and the Middle East.
Tunisia and Libya were overthrown at a distance of only a few months after the onset of seizures and street in East oil rich states terrified of possible escalation monarchs have provided linştea with new privileges granted to households and various indulgences . The situation in Syria is, of course, on how atypical as it is dramatic. Prolonged period of conflict and seemingly immediate way out is complemented by a terrific statistical picture released by the UN in the first few days of 2013. The Civil War in Syria has exceeded 60,000 victims in the context of the other 20,000 people are missing. War in Syria is likely to continue and make the game Islam, the integrismului, those who want a holy war general, an ideology worthy of the Middle Ages, retrograde and dangerous to the free world and especially the West. Lack Western intervention in Syria to help the rebels, makes Islamists to consolidate the status of heroes of the war waged against the regime of Bashar al-incarnated Assad . Now jihadists are building a foundation myth of their heroism that nobody will be able to demolish it for a long time to come. Iran continues to enrich uranium for civilian purposes (?) And show their muscles in the Strait of Hormuz in military exercises where the clash of power allied with U.S. patrol in the area.
The last incident was of a fishing vessel that managed to damage the periscope of a U.S. nuclear submarine reportedly arrived early at the American Fifth Fleet headquarters located in Bahrain. Powers and foremost Israel suspects that Tehran wants to acquire nuclear weapons under cover of its civilian nuclear program, which is denied by the Islamic regime. At the end of last year Iranian navy has carried out military exercises in the Strait of Hormuz, the employment of submarines, warships and aviation. Tehran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz could response to a possible attack on Iran. The United States last year strengthened its presence in the Gulf of Oman.
Military strategists continued application scenarios on cards. In Israel early general elections will take place on January 22, 2013, and Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu launched his campaign Delara his party is best able to defend the country against a potential Iranian nuclear so. Likud, Netanyahu’s conservative party with former Foreign Minister Lieberman party, leading in the polls. In late December, the Jerusalem Post newspaper organized a survey on the upcoming elections in Israel. The survey confirms downward trend but that is par led by Netanyahu. Until recently it enjoys a substantial advantage in the polls, which would have allowed the formation of a coalition that does not include extremist parties and would be more flexible in terms of foreign policy.
In the present circumstances there is a danger that the current prime minister does not acquire majority. The situation is complicated by the fact that former foreign minister and main coalition ally of Netanyahu, Lieberman, is under investigation in a corruption case. Even if found innocent image can not be repaired until the elections of 22 January. On the other hand, no opposition reuşeşe to gather in a single block with all the common aim victory against Netanyahu. Former leader of Kandima, Tzipi Livni, which now has its own party, could notionally, if two partners coalţie found to exceed Lieberman-Netanyahu alliance, which would allow to form a coalition government, but despite efforts at least until now, has failed in this task. Internally there are two posbilităţi, return a Netanyahu cabinet will have flexibility similar to the current one or Livni’s comeback. Externally the focus shifted slowly from Iran Palestinană Authority. The peace process remains blocked and various politicians opposing ideas about its resumption or not. Israel is cornered of war in Syria, the threat of military relations between Iranian forces and Hamas and Iran’s nuclear program schedule pressure found in an advanced stage.
An analysis of the recent conflict between Israelis and Palestinians run encoded called Pillar of Defense has shown that in military terms Israel is prepared to face a missile attack. Rafael collaboration between Israeli and American company Raytheon has led to the development and implementation Iron Dome project represents a major achievement this user already successful in the conflict with Hamas. The project, which is intended to be developed to cover the range of the rockets to 250 km, will make an Iron Dome missile defense system of short and medium range. In this context Iron Dome will be completed in the next year of so-called ‘David sling “called and Magic Wand” or Stunner “missile defense system versus more flexible, designed to deal with missiles launched not only on land, but air and sea. Fight with Iran menus currently the bellicose statements and at the implementation of the military to counter a hostile action. Such a system is the maximum possible efficiency defense for a number of states that have potentially conflicting situations in their proximity.
David Sling missile intercepted are medium and long range. A still unconfirmed information is that these systems can be used on Spyder anti-aircraft vehicles, mobile interceptor tranformându them, unlike the Iron Dome. David Sling will reach initial operational capability in 2013, giving apărăriii Israeli immeasurable added value. If David Sling efficiency will be similar to the Iron Dome site, Israel, a country surrounded by enemies, will become almost untouchable, at least in theory. This will have profound implications primarily on the conflict between Israel on the one hand, and Iran and Hezbollah on the other. Moreover, and equally important, will likely change dramatically the balance of power in the region. What usually happens while the peace process is blocked, the reconciliation is relaunched.
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