Ce înseamnă Siria
de JASWANT SINGH www.project-syndicate.org/contributor/jaswant-singh, RL, 11 Septembrie 2012 Jaswant Singh is the only person to have served as India’s finance minister (1996, 2002-2004), foreign minister (1998-2004), and defense minister (2000-2001). While in office, he launched the first free-trade agreement (with Sri Lanka) in South Asia’s history, initiated India’s most daring diplomatic opening to Pakistan, revitalized relations with the US, and reoriented the Indian military, abandoning its Soviet-inspired doctrines and weaponry for close ties with the West. Agonia Siriei a generat o varietate de răspunsuri neproductive: condamnări verbale ale exceselor regimului lui Bashar al-Assad, neînţelegeri vizavi de oportunitatea unei intervenţii armate şi o confuzie generală privind posibilitatea de a găsi o soluţie [...]