Orientul Mijlociu

A New Reality in U.S.-Israeli Relations

U.S. President Barack Obama is making his first visit to Israel as president. The visit comes in the wake of his re-election and inauguration to a second term and the formation of a new Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Normally, summits between Israel and the United States are filled with foreign policy issues on both sides, and there will be many discussed at this meeting, including Iran, Syria and Egypt. But this summit takes place in an interesting climate, because both the Americans and Israelis are less interested in foreign and security matters than they are in their respective domestic issues. In the United States, the political crisis over the federal [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:43+02:00March 25th, 2013|Orientul Mijlociu, Regions|0 Comments

Levant in the air (?)

Beirut February 14, 2005. Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was assassinated so Lebanon's history is changing. Hariri was the one who got out to the country Syrian troops, after 30 years of occupation. Now that the Tsar was assassinated, Lebanese intelligence services is at war almost wick is lit by clashes in Syria. Najib Mikati government of Prime Minister is in a difficult situation due to the explosion of tensions between Sunni and Shiite and Lebanese Salafist violent mobilization. Lebanon is fast approaching a civil war. It is hard to overlook ironically Brigadier General Wissam al-Hassan. Now 7 years miraculously escaped death. He had to be the motorcade of Prime [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:51+02:00March 10th, 2013|Orientul Mijlociu, Regions|0 Comments

Year of Iran?

Year 2013 is considered to be loaded geopolitical tensions and economic. Tensions, so predictable, it is emphasized as the year will leak, they will take violent forms. That are actually real reasons for concern: Iran, Syria, Islam which gains ground in Middle East, fragile economy of the southern European countries, the rivalry between Japan and China. What is the biggest threat to international stability? Iran. Year 2013 risks becoming Iran if nuclear program is not stopped Ayatollah policy of economic sanctions and military intervention becomes a necessity. Basically Israel expects the Obama administration to find a solution to the problem in the next six months, which somehow and U.S. President [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:54+02:00February 4th, 2013|Alexandru Grumaz, Orientul Mijlociu|0 Comments

Egiptul după Mubarak

Predecesorii lui Mubarak, Gamal Abdel Nasser și Anwar Sadat, au fost figuri marcante ale istoriei în mandatul lor având loc naționalizarea Canalului Suez sau negocierea acordului de pace cu Israelul. Pe vremea cand era la putere, Mubarak se compara adesea cu aceștia, dar ironia soartei face ca el să rămână în istorie pentru demonstrațiile care i-au adus sfarșitul politic. La 14 octombrie 1981 când Mubarak a luat puterea era privit ca o speranță, o imagine a reformismului. A promis atunci reforma sistemului judiciar și a eliberat din închisoare pe toți opozanții lui Sadat. La final, Mubarak devenise mai impozant decât Egiptul însuși, susținând că deține puterea absolută. Noul preşedintele egiptean [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:55+02:00February 1st, 2013|Alexandru Grumaz, Orientul Mijlociu|0 Comments

America’s PAcific Logic

GEOPOLITICS WITH ROBERT D.KAPLAN STRATFOR GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE, April 4, 2012 | The Obama administration "pivot" to the Pacific, formally announced by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last November and reiterated more recently by the president himself, might appear like a reassertion of America's imperial tendencies just at the time when Washington should be concentrating on the domestic economy. But in fact, the pivot was almost inevitable. When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, signaling communism's defeat in Europe, security experts talked about a shift in diplomatic and military energies to the Pacific. But Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in 1990 led to a decadelong preoccupation with the Middle East, with [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:56+02:00November 5th, 2012|America, Europa/Rusia, International Studies, Oceania & Polar Regions, Orientul Mijlociu|Comments Off on America’s PAcific Logic
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