
Structures and Solutions for the EU?

The economic crisis has been the main topic of discussion for a few years in the European Union.  Apart from sovereign debt and the financial aspect, there are three other fundamental dimensions to the crisis that Europeans must resolve: The political and social dimensions, and the question of competitiveness. The Competitiveness Dimension Europe’s struggle to remain competitive starts with the peripheral countries in the south and east of the European Union, which are not as dynamic as the north or the manufacturing bases that have emerged in Asia over the past decade. However, we’re also seeing a slowdown of Europe’s core economies — Germany and France — coupled with an increase in [...]

Dezacorduri energetice in Europa

Nabucco Vest pare cel mai viabil proiect in materie de garantare a accesului la resursele naturale de gaz. Statele direct implicate (Bulgaria, Romania, Ungaria si Austria) au facut presiuni la Bruxelles pentru ca gazoductul sa obtina acceptul din partea consortiului de la Shah Deniz. Trio european in materie de energie  In urma Summitului UE din 22 mai, liderii europeni s-au limitat la a reitera un obiectiv triplu in ceea ce priveste energia: garantarea unor preturi abordabile pentru clienti, reducerea facturii importurilor, si asigurarea unei productii interne continue, toate pe fondul reducerii dependentei statelor europene de importurile de gaze naturale din Federatia Rusa. Spun s-au limitat, deoarece au acelasi caracter generalist, [...]

Organized crime, support for terrorist phenomenon

Abstract: The attack of September 11, 2001 has changed the approach to the concepts of terrorism and organized crime. Terrorism and organized crime are daily threats to international security and, therefore, it was seriously necessary to study the links between these two phenomena. By their nature, especially the objectives sought and the effects generated in society, activities in the field of organized crime and terrorism are placed, obviously, among offenses. Keywords: terrorism, the phenomenon of cross-border crime, criminal network, fight against organized crime, border police, international police cooperation. A definition of organized crime was formulated  and  presented  at  the  UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime,   adopted   on   November   15,   2000, [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:41+02:00April 16th, 2013|Europa/Rusia, Issues, Regions, Terrorism|0 Comments

Trends in the international security environment

Coautor Adrian Casian. Abstract: The current security environment is very dynamic and constantly changing. Regionally, in the Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe there are tensions that persist or grow, caused either by transnational criminality or by old ethnic, religious, territorial or separatist disputes to contest existing borders.   Keywords: global security environment, diagram of power relations; regional powers, security structures, globalization, risks and asymmetric threats, international stability. Global security environment is mainly characterized by the following major trends: the acceleration of globalization and regional integration, along with the persistence of actions that aim for state fragmentation; reasonable convergence of efforts to establish a new stable and predictable security architecture, accompanied by [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:42+02:00April 16th, 2013|Europa/Rusia, Issues, Regions, Terrorism|0 Comments

Perestroika lui Putin

După colapsul URSS, SUA și UE s-au lovit de o lume ex-sovietică cu nuanțe de gândire marxist-leninistă care trebuia modificată și eventual asimilată în structura europenă. În schimb fosta URSS a fost supusă unui proces de occidentalizare de propria administrație. S-au introdus tradiții și valori occidentale în politică, economie, chiar și în cultură, în condițiile în care societatea ex-sovietică tocmai își revenea după perestroika și terapia de șoc a lui Gorbaciov. Marea majoritate a scenariilor au eșuat, în special cel politic. Administrația Elțîn a mizat mai mult pe bancherii și oamenii de afaceri, cu venituri de cele mai multe ori subterane exprimate în miliarde de dolari, persoane care intrasera în [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:42+02:00April 14th, 2013|Europa/Rusia, Regions|0 Comments
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