
If politics followed golf. . . . . . .

Earlier this month, two television spectaculars entertained tens of millions of viewers. One was political, the Republican Party’s maiden debate in the presidential sweepstakes limited to only “natural born” U.S. citizens (Ted Cruz hopefully is listening.) The other was the PGA Championship, one of golf’s annual four major tournaments with an international field of world-class players. The GOP debate was a two-course delight in which showmanship dominated substance.  The hors d’oeuvres kicked off in quiet, pre prime time featuring seven candidates who lacked sufficient poll numbers to make it to the main event.  The top ten, too, were relatively unknowns except for Jeb Bush who was trying for the “hat [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:27:42+02:00October 25th, 2015|America, Blogs, Harlan Ullman., Regions|0 Comments

Lumea de azi în viziunea Directorului CIA

Situaţia de securitate globală este într-o continuă schimbare, impredictibilitatea viitorului fiind una dintre caracteristicile ei. S-a încheiat un ciclu de pace şi bunăstare, iar mirosul de praf de puşcă pluteşte în aer. Serviciile de informaţii şi era comunicării globale Mijloacele moderne de comunicare, de la iPhone la iPad, şi reţelele de socializare, precum Twitter, Facebook sau Instagram, facilitează interacţiunea şi accesul la diferite surse de informaţii, revoluţii şi schimbări de administraţii sau guverne, căderea dictatorilor dar şi alegerea noilor lideri. Contribuie, de asemenea, la dezbaterea temelor acute din societate dar oferă şi răspusuri la provocările venite din diverse surse, fie ele private sau guvernamentale, privitoare la momente de criză internaţională. [...]

Seymour Hersh in wonderland over the killing of Osama bin Laden

The revelations, assertions and accusations made by Seymour Hersh in his “London Review of Books” piece on “The Killing of Osama bin Laden” are worthy of a Nobel Prize for fiction or, better yet, fantasy.  For those who have neither read nor heard of this 10,000 word descent into wonderland, Hersh asserts that the raid that killed bin Laden four years ago was a set-up wonderfully play acted by President Barack Obama and his entire national security team from the Pentagon, State Department and CIA to Capitol Hill and the Pakistani Army and ISI who allegedly had been holding Osama prisoner as a means to control al Qaeda and the [...]

A dear John (McCain) letter

Dear Senator McCain: As you know better than anyone, the Department of Defense and the U.S. military are at greater risk today perhaps than at any time since September 11th.  The principal threat is not al Qaeda, Da’esh or a resurgent China or Russia although a good part of the world remains dangerously unstable.  Nor is sequestration, despite its irrationality and mindlessness, the mortal danger although it will harm the forces. Instead, the Pentagon faces three internal threats provoked by flaws in strategy, personnel policies and explosive cost growth.  If these flaws are not corrected, the predictable outcome will be a “hollow force,” reminiscent of what happened after the Vietnam [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:27:49+02:00May 25th, 2015|America, Blogs, General, Harlan Ullman., Regions|0 Comments

A mightily tangled geostrategic web of intrigue and danger

Just when events in the Middle East could not seem to be more complicated, this web of intrigue and danger has become even more complex and intertwined.  People following these events are well aware of the crises wracking the huge stretch of geography from the Eastern Mediterranean and Maghreb through the Middle East and Persian Gulf to the Bay of Bengal.  Libya, Syria, Iraq and Yemen are embroiled in chaos and conflict. The U.S., Saudi Arabia and Iran are actively engaged in disrupting and defeating the mutual threat posed by Da’esh (aka the Islamic State).  But despite the framework agreement to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, these three states [...]

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