
Geopolitics 101: History Matters

As President Vladimir Putin moves to consolidate Russian autonomy over Crimea with a referendum, the West continues to struggle to find acceptable policies to reverse or punish this encroachment.  Short of a military response that would be profoundly reckless and exceedingly dangerous, in these policy deliberations by the West led by Washington, history seems to be missing in action. Sometimes history matters.   In the late 1960’s, NATO faced several crises with the Soviet Union.  The Soviet Union had embarked on a major rearmament program for both its nuclear and conventional forces that challenged the strategy of nuclear retaliation anchoring NATO’s defense.  In 1968, after the Prague Spring broke out, [...]

”Bucureștiul bogat” sau ce nu ne spune statistica

Ar fi trebuit bucureștenii  să se bucure la auzul veștii că regiunea în care trăiesc este bine de tot mai bogată decât media Uniunii Europene? Nu s-ar zice, privind la infrastructura Capitalei. În plus, statisticile ascund realități dramatice. Faptul că Regiunea Bucuresti-Ilfov este cea mai bogată din România nu mai reprezintă demult o știre. Altceva a surprins însă în recenta comunicare Eurostat privind regiunile Uniunii Europene.  Cu un PIB pe cap de locuitor ca putere de cumpărare de 30.700 de euro pe an, stabilit la nivelul anului 2011, regiunea din jurul Capitalei a depășit cu 22 de procente media europeană. Pur și simplu, Bucureștiul este mai bogat decât oricare dintre [...]

Romania victima colaterala a confruntarilor din Ucraina?

Evolutiile din Ucraina sunt inca in stadiul de escaladare, iar pana la panta descendenta a conflictului se mai pot intampla inca multe. In fiecare ora se intampla cate ceva nou care aduce o noua perspectiva asupra evenimentelor, iar analizele se updateaza permanent. Nu intentionez sa scriu inca un articol de analiza, nu pentru ca nu ar fi util, ci pentru ca lucrurile se schimba atat de repede incat nici nu as termina analiza ca as fi nevoit sa o rescriu. Va propun in schimb un altfel de articol, prin intermediul caruia as vrea sa deschidem o dezbatere asupra modului in care Romania este afectata, sau va fi afectata de ceea [...]

NATO’s strategic ace: Vladimir Putin

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was on the road to irrelevance. The most successful military alliance in history has lacked a real enemy since the Soviet Union disintegrated a quarter of a century ago.  After a dozen years of war in Afghanistan,  NATO’s role is coming to an ignominious end. Because of Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s refusal to sign a Basic Security Agreement (BSA), NATO is now forced to plan for the withdraw of all of its military forces by the end of 2014.  Without substantial coalition forces and, as important, the money and aid Afghanistan receives because of that presence, the Karzai government will be unable to prevent [...]

Geopolitics 101—Don’t lose wars!

Prior to entering national office, politicians of all stripes and especially American presidents-elect and members of Congress should take a short course in Geopolitics 101.  That course would have but two warnings:  don’t start wars you can’t win and above all don’t lose wars.  One would think that is common sense.  But it is not. America’s wartime scorecard is not impressive with a singe exception.  Along with allies, we won the big one---World War II.  Korea was at best a draw.  Vietnam, and let’s not forget that was a war of our choice, went to the other side.  Grenada did not count.  Afghanistan and Iraq have turned out badly so [...]

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