International Peace, & Security

August: the most dangerous month?

Arguably, August is in the finals as potentially the most dangerous month of the year.  On August 4th a century ago, Britain went to war to honor an 1839 treaty immediately after the Kaiser’s army invaded that Belgium.  Fifty years ago, on the same date in 1964 (following an attack by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on a U.S. Navy destroyer two days before), a second incident occurred in the Tonkin Gulf.  Two Navy destroyers radioed that both were under torpedo attack.  No such attack took place.  But the incident was enough for the U.S. Congress to pass the Tonkin Gulf Resolution that began a decade of war in Vietnam, the [...]

The great war redux

July 28th marks the centenary of the start of World War I---also known as the “Great War” and tragically and wrongly described by President Woodrow Wilson as the “war to end all wars.”  That war was neither great nor the end of war.  About eight million soldiers on all sides were killed and at least an equal number of civilians perished---many through disease and starvation. Last week, London’s Royal United Services Institute (RUSI---founded in 1831 by the Duke of Wellington as a permanent institution to study and analyze war) hosted a one-day conference on World War I.  The lens was the Western front focusing on British, French and German strategies [...]

The longest day and our finest hour

Two days hence marks the 70th anniversary of Operation Overlord (Neptune for the naval portion) and the Normandy invasion. Supreme Allied Commander U.S. General Dwight David Eisenhower’s orders were to occupy Europe and destroy the Nazi war machine.  D-Day marked the start of Ike’s crusade in Europe   Standing atop the Ponte du Hoc heights overlooking Omaha Beach where the U.S. Rangers valiantly assaulted German defenses was always more telling for me than visiting great battlefields from Yorktown to Waterloo and Agincourt.  Perhaps because World War II was as close as any conflict in history matching good against absolute evil, Normandy epitomized the ultimate allied victory in smashing the fiendish [...]

The X-GEN men at 1600 and number 10

Both U.S. President Barack Obama and Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron have a great deal in common.  They come from the same generation born in 1961 and 1966 respectively.  They both shared the best education available.    Obama attended the elite Punaho Private School in Honolulu, receiving his undergraduate degree from Columbia University and an LL.D. from Harvard Law School. Cameron attended Eton College and from there went on to Brasenose College at Oxford University.   They both grew up in largely political jobs with little private sector experience.  Obama was a “community organizer” in Chicago before gaining his law degree and working for a law office.  While teaching constitutional [...]

Atenție, urmează un nou Sarajevo!

Ce avem pe lista crizelor din Orientul Mijlociu? Războiul civil din Siria continuă. Convorbirile de pace dintre israelieni și palestinieni sunt în colaps, iar războiul rencepe. Egiptul este în proces de eliminare a grupării Frații Musulmani. Discuțiile SUA Iran sunt marcate de incertitudine. Irakul este în convulsii, iar pericolul ruperii în trei provincii devine tot mai pronunţat, pe zi ce trece. America face eforturi deosebite de a ține Irakul în construcția actuală. Secretarul de stat american, John Kerry, în vizită în Irak, încearcă să determine autorităţile de la Bagdad să schimbe guvernul monocolor șiit într-unul de coaliție, în care să includă comunitatea sunnită. Kerry a negociat inclusiv în provincia semiautonomă [...]

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