Global Governance

Scandalul PRISM şi „Metafora bibliotecii”

Intr-un zig-zag pe mapamond acompaniat de reporterii surescitaţi ai canalelor TV grand-taille, Snowden cară în sacul de voiaj schiţele recent amorsatului scandal PRISM, excitând la culme activiştii pentru drepturile omului şi lipind emoticonul faţă-tristă conservatorilor adepţi ai armăturii ordinii şi controlului. Cum va evolua noua telenovelă cu spioni spilcuiţi ce pare un remake al Wikileaks? Ce a e nou, în formă şi conţinut, din unghi actual sau istoric? Un analist al Centrului de Prevenirea Conflictelor şi Early Warning, Narciz Bălăşoiu, sintetizează subiectul: „Obiectul dezvăluirilor l-a făcut aşa-numitul program PRISM, acesta fiind acronimul proiectului secret prin care National Security Agency (NSA) accesa direct serverele celor mai mari companii, precum Facebook, Yahoo, [...]

U.S. election campaign

U.S. election campaign is on the last turn. Everything is possible, either of the two rivals, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have a chance. The result will be on the edge like that of 2000. Barack Obama's victories in the last two debates have had a paradoxical effect. Increased percentage of votes in favor of its rival. Initially, probably under the influence of former President Clinton's strategy was to portray Democrats on Romney as an ultraconservative, with extreme positions on a whole range of issues troubling him on American voter from unemployment policy towards Iran. On his election rallies, President Obama reiterated the theme of trust that Americans have to [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:54+02:00February 4th, 2013|Global Governance, Issues|0 Comments

Red Dragon in military clothes

China changing generation on the occasion of the 18th Chinese Communist Party Congress. Following the wave of changes in the organizational structure of the party a new group of soldiers will take important roles in the Central Military Commission actually leading an army of 2.3 million soldiers of China. 7 members of the Central Military Commission form 11 which will be changed. New general takes power in a difficult period, the situation in the South China Sea is boiling. Is a major influence on whether peace or war. President Hu Jintao will remain for a period of a year or two, like his predecessor Jiang Zemin that led him to [...]

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