
Bad governance, hubris and self-delusion: America’s most tolerated dangers

If asked, most Americans would agree that economic and financial chaos or a stunning terrorist attack by foreign Jihadis possibly with nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction constitute among the gravest threats to the United States.  But America faces other more immediate, yet tolerated dangers that have done and are doing irreparable harm to the nation. Sadly, these dangers do not provoke enough public fury or even attention to motivate corrective action. These tolerated threats are bad governance, hubris and self-delusion. Bad government is so wide spread that the public now accepts Washington’s dysfunctionality as the new norm. And hubris and self-delusion have been so assimilated into the national [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:41+02:00May 14th, 2013|General|0 Comments

Jocurile rusești de război în Marea Neagră prelungesc conflictul din Mediterana

Lacrimile lui Ovidius încă nu sunt lăsate să se usuce S-a trecut prea repede, prea ușor, chiar superficial peste recentele manevre militare ruse desfașurate timp de trei zile în Marea Neagră. O acțiune de forță neanunțată, masivă și, oricât de diplomați am fi, amenințătoare pentru riverani și nu numai. Pe bună dreptate, observatorii internaționali se întreabă dacă nu cumva există o legătură între recentele evenimente din Cipru, dezvoltarea războiului civil din Siria și poate chiar cu scăparea de sub control a militariștilor din Coreea de Nord. Totul a pornit de la ordinul dat de Vladimir Putin din avionul cu care se întorcea acasă de la reuniunea BRICS desfășurată la Durban, [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:42+02:00April 9th, 2013|General|0 Comments

Who we are?

Author: Dan Dungaciu Publisher: Cartier Collection: historic district ISBN: 9789975795395 About the book "National interest derives from national identity. Need to know who we are before we know their interests." Samuel Huntington, Who are we? The Challenges to American's Identity, 2004 The texts included between the covers speak, express or implied, about how they affect, directly or indirectly, any internal political approach, but especially externally. Knowing who you are is to know where you live and where you're going. It means you determine, consciously symbolic geography of you belong and subsequently your head up or steps towards space (geo) political legitimately you feel attracted. The issue at stake here and [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:54+02:00February 4th, 2013|Books, General|Comments Off on Who we are?
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