Harlan Ullman.

Defense at risk—but not why you think

London: To hear the anguished cries of critics of the Obama administration’s defense plans, one would think the nation is disarming.  We are told that at a projected end strength of 450,000 active duty Army personnel, ground forces will be headed to pre-World War II levels.  The Navy, with some 290 ships or less, will be down to the size of the pre-World War I fleet.  Is the sky falling? Unfortunately, the first complaint is misleading.  And the second dismisses the fighting power of today’s Navy. Worse, the real dangers to the future size and capability of the U.S. military are entirely ignored. Regarding the size of ground forces, America [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:02+02:00November 10th, 2014|America, Blogs, Harlan Ullman., Regions|0 Comments

Statement before the House of Commons Defence Committee on Future Force 2020

1. It is a great privilege and compliment to appear before this committee.  I have known a number of its distinguished members as well as chairmen from even before Bruce George sat at its head to James Arbuthnot and very much respect your work. 2. As you know, this committee is not vested with the same constitutional authority as the U.S. Congress’s two Armed Services Committees.  That does not mean you cannot and should not play a more important role in the defence debate; exercising oversight; identifying critical issues; and issuing reports such as your excellent study on FF 2020. 3.  As a further postscript, I had the very good [...]

America votes

Next Tuesday, America goes to the polls to elect all manner of officials from city counsel person and sheriff to members of Congress.  Congressional and gubernatorial races have of course attracted national attention.  While the House of Representatives will remain firmly in Republican hands, the future control of the Senate is uncertain. Both parties predict that should they lose or win the Senate, the future of the nation is at stake.  Unfortunately, whether Republicans win or Democrats maintain Senatorial control, it will make little difference.  The political system is badly broken and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men cannot repair it. Interestingly, control of the Senate races [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:02+02:00November 10th, 2014|America, Blogs, Harlan Ullman., Regions|0 Comments

Three big bets to defeat IS

If the civilized world has any chance of defeating the Islamic State (IS) and other Sunni-based terrorist groups, three big bets must pay-off. And winning each bet is not sufficient.  The pay-offs must be sustained for an extended period if this scourge is to be defeated. The first bet is that President Barack Obama has grown in office and has learned from past errors and mistakes. Second is that Secretary of State John Kerry will be given the authority to execute the strategy. And third is that the Iraqi government fully understands that it is in a fight to the death with IS and acts accordingly in reconciling with the [...]

A defining moment in history

Make no mistake: in taking the fight to the Islamic State (IS or aka the Enemies of Islam), President Barack Obama is at a defining moment for his presidency and probably the future.  Perhaps less spectacular than the fall of the Berlin Wall and the implosion of the Soviet Union a quarter of a century ago or September 11th, the decision to catalyze a global fight against Islamic extremism and terrorism could be as far reaching in consequence.  Consider the grounds for this conclusion. The accumulating grievances dating back to well before the Sykes-Picot secret treaty of 1916 sliced Mesopotamia into indigestible parts have become irreversible thus forcing religious, ethnic, [...]

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