Harlan Ullman

About Harlan Ullman

Autor a multiple cărți politice. un lider global de gândire și un strateg inovativ.

Will the Constitution survive this decade?

Most Americans believe that government is broken.  But what can be done, if anything, to repair a broken government?  One potentially immovable obstacle is a Constitution that may have outlived its usefulness.   The Constitution is based on the checks and balances of a divided government that maximize individual freedom and liberty by limiting the power of government while assuring citizens specific safeguards through the “Bill of Rights.”  However, divided government requires compromise and civility to function effectively.   Article I defines the Legislature.  As the first branch of government, the Founding Fathers believed that the two houses of Congress would govern the nation passing laws and regulations in line [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:27:38+02:00March 16th, 2016|Blogs, Harlan Ullman.|0 Comments


Certainly on the Republican side, the presidential race has crashed through the looking glass into Alice’s Wonderland replete with Mad Hatters and tea parties.  The Republican debate last Thursday reaffirmed this condition, dare we say in spades.  Three of the candidates are incredulous and most likely unelectable.  The fourth was the only adult on the stage and hence unlikely to win the nomination.   How America got to this point is useful in informing how we extricate ourselves from the grim electoral prospects that lie ahead especially if the leading Democratic candidate is indicted for mishandling classified material on private e-mail accounts.  Only in America….   Donald Trump is, at [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:27:38+02:00March 7th, 2016|Blogs, Harlan Ullman.|0 Comments

USA — the Unconscious Stupidity of America?

A country is at great risk when the irrational overtakes and becomes the surrogate for the rational. And a country is at graver risk when the public succumbs to a willing suspension of disbelief in this free fall descent into irrationality. Yet, this could be the state of American politics and governance today---a condition that eludes adequate description by the English language and the current vocabulary.   Regarding the presidential campaigns, some argue that the anger and resentment of many Americans towards the failures of government have created the means for irrationality to reign.  One of the candidates has concluded that the “stupidity” of government is the root cause of [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:27:38+02:00March 3rd, 2016|Blogs, Harlan Ullman.|0 Comments

Syria 2015 – Spain 1938 OR Sarajevo June 1914?

Windsor Castle, London: Russia’s military intervention in Syria has opened a Pandora’s box of potential crises and frightening scenarios as well as hinting at the slimmest glimmer of an opportunity.  Backing Bashar al Assad along with Shia Iran, Russian President Vladimir Putin has, knowingly or not, declared a de facto war against the Sunnis.  Certainly Saudi Arabia thinks so.  Many Saudi clerics have issued fatwas targeting Russia for Jihad. Russia’s Syrian military deployment is relatively modest.  Several dozens of fighter aircraft, attack helicopters, a small naval armada in the Mediterranean led by a three and a half decades old cruiser and 2000 ground forces supported by anti-air and other defensive [...]

If politics followed golf. . . . . . .

Earlier this month, two television spectaculars entertained tens of millions of viewers. One was political, the Republican Party’s maiden debate in the presidential sweepstakes limited to only “natural born” U.S. citizens (Ted Cruz hopefully is listening.) The other was the PGA Championship, one of golf’s annual four major tournaments with an international field of world-class players. The GOP debate was a two-course delight in which showmanship dominated substance.  The hors d’oeuvres kicked off in quiet, pre prime time featuring seven candidates who lacked sufficient poll numbers to make it to the main event.  The top ten, too, were relatively unknowns except for Jeb Bush who was trying for the “hat [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:27:42+02:00October 25th, 2015|America, Blogs, Harlan Ullman., Regions|0 Comments
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