About CASS

Centrul de Analiza si Studii de Securitate furnizeaza articole, studii si analize privind securitatea nationala, cercetari si informatii geopolitice menite sa contribuie la dezbaterea publica si la comunicarea intre mediul militar, cel academic si societatea civila.

Americans prepare autonomous military drones

American military drones ready independence. Unmanned aircraft to be replaced with a new generation of faster and more intelligent robots that will operate without human intervention, with the growing autonomy. Currently, unmanned aircraft Predator and Reaper type are controlled, sometimes thousands of miles away by a pilot through a stick. But in contxtul massive Pentagon investment in "autonomy" robotic weapons systems, scientists predict that future devices air, land or submarine will operate side by side with man, with minimum supervision, Mediafax. According to Peter Singer, an expert on robotic arms and author of "Wired for War" man's role "passes from the remote operator at the supervisor or" manager ", increasingly [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:56+02:00January 29th, 2013|America, Regions|0 Comments

THE ECONOMIST: America, caught in the heat of the Middle East

U.S. should not withdraw from the most dangerous region of the world. Conversely, America must involve more than ever. For a good many Americans, killing Chris Stevens, U.S. Ambassador to Libya, not only confirmed the expectations they have of the Arab world. In a country where no further than last year, West played a crucial role in removing a terrible tyrant, a Salafist group attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, killing four people, including the Ambassador Stevens. What triggered the massacre, followed by violent protests in Egypt and Yemen? A ridiculous movie about Prophet Muhammad, quickly condemned the Obama administration. Now, the above mentioned U.S. citizens wonder why the U.S. [...]

By |2013-02-20T04:25:55+02:00January 29th, 2013|America, Regions|0 Comments

Successful launch of the South Stream pipeline Kremlin’s geopolitical

Putin inaugurates Pharaonic site of South Stream RL, December 7, 2012 Near Anapa on the Black Sea, the Russian president attended yesterday's official launch ceremony of the new site giant Gazprom pipeline South Stream, which will link Russia and Europe. South Stream is the main competitor of Nabucco project supported by Brussels to reduce dependence on Russian gas. Need to build South Stream was raised for the first time in 2005. North Stream pipeline also recently put into operation, the project was a response to numerous gas war with Ukraine, which has a monopoly on transit Russian gas to Europe. Memorandum on the construction of the new pipeline was signed [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:56+02:00December 7th, 2012|Europa/Rusia|0 Comments

CASS articles and international studies

ARTICLE ALERT OCTOBER 2012 U.S. Foreign Policy AA01 - THE ELUSIVE OBAMA DOCTRINE Leslie H. Gelb, The National Interest, September-October 2012, pg. 18-28 AA02 - THE BATTLE OVER AMERICA’S FOREIGN POLICY DOCTRINE Amir Stepak; Rachel Whitlark, Survival, October/November 2012, pg. 45-66 AA03 - FIVE PILLARS OF AMERICAN GRAND STRATEGY Paul D. Miller, Survival, October/November 2012, pg. 7-44

By |2013-02-20T01:13:40+02:00November 5th, 2012|Publications|0 Comments

Assessing China’s Strategy

By George Friedman Simply put, China has three core strategic interests. Paramount among them is the maintenance of domestic security. Historically, when China involves itself in global trade, as it did in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the coastal region prospers, while the interior of China -- which begins about 160 kilometers (100 miles) from the coast and runs about 1,600 kilometers to the west -- languishes. Roughly two-thirds of all Chinese citizens currently have household incomes lower than the average household income in Bolivia. Most of China's poor are located west of the richer coastal region. This disparity of wealth time and again has exposed tensions between the [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:56+02:00November 5th, 2012|Asia, Regions|0 Comments
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