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Centrul de Analiza si Studii de Securitate furnizeaza articole, studii si analize privind securitatea nationala, cercetari si informatii geopolitice menite sa contribuie la dezbaterea publica si la comunicarea intre mediul militar, cel academic si societatea civila.

Levant in the air (?)

Beirut February 14, 2005. Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was assassinated so Lebanon's history is changing. Hariri was the one who got out to the country Syrian troops, after 30 years of occupation. Now that the Tsar was assassinated, Lebanese intelligence services is at war almost wick is lit by clashes in Syria. Najib Mikati government of Prime Minister is in a difficult situation due to the explosion of tensions between Sunni and Shiite and Lebanese Salafist violent mobilization. Lebanon is fast approaching a civil war. It is hard to overlook ironically Brigadier General Wissam al-Hassan. Now 7 years miraculously escaped death. He had to be the motorcade of Prime [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:51+02:00March 10th, 2013|Orientul Mijlociu, Regions|0 Comments

History and myth in Romanian consciousness

Author: Lucian Boia Publishing: Humanitas Date: 2012 No. pages: 412 pages Collection: Series of author Lucian Boia ISBN: 9789735032340 "Istoria a fost întotdeauna şi un instrument de putere. Cine stăpâneşte trecutul are şanse mari de a stăpâni şi prezentul. După 1989, condiţionarea opiniei publice prin istorie s-a dovedit a fi o constantă a strategiei Puterii, un mijloc cu atât mai abil, cu cât pentru cei mai mulţi este insesizabil. Societatea civilă trebuie să înveţe să se apere de «intoxicarea» prin istorie. Educaţia civică presupune nu numai tradiţionala valorizare de tip eroic a faptelor istoriei naţionale, ale cărei virtuţi identitare nu le contestăm; ea presupune şi asumarea critică şi responsabilă a [...]

By |2014-02-16T20:10:15+02:00February 7th, 2013|Books|0 Comments

Division of Russian strategic missiles equipped with Topol-M and again, augment

Teikovo missile division of the Russian strategic forces located in central Russia, has been fully equipped with advanced missile systems Topol-M and again, augment, the Defense Ministry said Thursday in Moscow, RIA Novosti. 'Division of Teikovo became the first division of the Russian Strategic Forces fully rearm mobile missile systems of the fifth generation, "said ministry spokesman Colonel Vadim Koval. Two regiments of the division of Teikovo are equipped with Topol-M, while the other two regiments of the division are equipped with again, augment. Again, augment missile system is armed with RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missiles with multiple warheads that are operational and combat capabilities significantly better than Topol-M missiles. Two [...]

By |2013-02-20T02:41:49+02:00January 29th, 2013|Europa/Rusia, Regions|0 Comments

National Army of Moldova assimilate military ranks of U.S. National Guard

National Army of Moldova assimilate military ranks of U.S. National Guard. In an attempt to modernize and to renounce the Soviet past, soldiers from the second Romanian state adapts the American system. After being accused of moving towards the adoption of Romanian military traditions, makers of top defense ministry in Chisinau pass measures that can not be attacked by critics reunification with the motherland. This results from the new concept of organization of staff career soldiers, sergeants, NCOs and officers of the National Army, the decision taken at the meeting on Thursday Collegial Council of Defence Ministry of laChişinău. According to Defense Minister Vitalie Marinuta new concept of military career [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:56+02:00January 29th, 2013|Europa/Rusia, Regions|0 Comments


Defense Minister Cornelius Dobritoiu, Chief of Army Staff and U.S. Ambassador Sorin Ioan Gitenstein attended Commencement ceremony at the Center for Land Forces Fight the Cincu - a project sponsored by a million dollars Cooperation Office defense of the U.S. Embassy, ​​said in a statement sent to the press on 18 September 2012 by the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest. Center for Land Forces Fight art is a construction that offers training capacity for various types of weapons combined. The project construction will be used for upgrading the base Cincu. Also on Cincu, Minister Dobritoiu, LTG John and Ambassador Gitenstein attended the ribbon cutting ceremony of Cincu dispensary that offers medical [...]

By |2013-02-20T03:20:00+02:00January 29th, 2013|Defense / Homeland Security, Issues|0 Comments
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