About CASS

Centrul de Analiza si Studii de Securitate furnizeaza articole, studii si analize privind securitatea nationala, cercetari si informatii geopolitice menite sa contribuie la dezbaterea publica si la comunicarea intre mediul militar, cel academic si societatea civila.

Blestemul din august (I)

Kremlinul schimbă garda. Președintele Vladimir Putin a început remanierea foștilor colegi din servicii, promovând  tineri funcționari, loiali, astfel încât să-și întărească leadership-ul personal. Nici chiar primul ministru Dimitrie Medvedev nu se simte prea bine, o campanie de presă împotriva gafelor sale fiind declanșată. August este perioada din an în care Moscova s-a cutremurat periodic de-a lungul timpului. Schimbări de lideri, lovituri de imagine, noi alianțe, catastrofe naturale. August 1991 a adus căderea comunismului, în august 1998 a fost colapsul financiar, în august 1999 a început al doilea război din Cecenia, în august 2000 s-a scufundat submarinul Kursk[1], în august 2008 a avut loc invazia rusă în Georgia, în august 2009 [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:27:38+02:00September 11th, 2016|Alexandru Grumaz, Blogs|0 Comments


NATO’s former Supreme Allied Commander Europe and today the Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Medford, Massachusetts, retired Admiral James Stavridis, observes that understanding Russia today can be aided by reading the great Russian writers of the past. A variant of this theme is to view Russia through the lens of its dark humor.  Consider this incisive tale. While plowing his field, a peasant named Nikolai stumbled across a bottled genie.  In exchange for his freedom, the genie promised one wish.  However, there was a stipulation. Whatever Nikolai received, his neighbor Igor would get twice as much.  Nikolai hated Igor.  After thinking for a moment, Nikolai [...]

By |2016-09-11T12:50:47+03:00September 11th, 2016|Blogs, Europa/Rusia, Harlan Ullman.|0 Comments


(Note to Readers:  The UPI Editors have asked for a series of articles on Russia.  This is the first) America’s infatuation with Russia can formally be dated from May 1867 when the U.S. paid $7.2 million ---worth about $1.3 billion today---for the purchase of Alaska.  Called “Seward’s Folly” after Secretary of State William Seward who negotiated the deal, one of the reasons for the sale was Russian expectation that by buying Alaska, the U.S. would become a more deeply involved Pacific power and a counter balance to Britain---the Tsar’s greater worry at the time.  Even then, geopolitics was not an unknown art to St. Petersburg outside the traditional European sphere. [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:27:38+02:00September 11th, 2016|Blogs, Europa/Rusia, Harlan Ullman.|0 Comments

Orientul Mijlociu – Cursuri intensive

Orientul Mijlociu este cea mai volatila regiune geopolitica la nivel international caracterizata printr-un complex de securitate unic, cauzat in special de cele peste 75% din rezervele mondiale de hidrocarburi ce se regasesc in acest areal. Drept urmare, Orientul Mijlociu este marcat atat de interesele de hegemonice ale actorilor regionali cat si de interesele strategice ale marilor puteri, devenind totodata epicentrul sistemului de relatii internationale.

By |2017-11-14T21:27:38+02:00April 12th, 2016|Events|0 Comments


Thirty years ago, two landmark efforts sought to impose “reform” on the Department of Defense.  The first was the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 that attempted to impose “jointness” on the Pentagon by fundamentally altering the personnel management system; making the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs the principal military advisor to the President; and creating a Vice Chairman.  The second was the Packard Commission that attempted reforming the acquisition process the same year.   Both endeavors were forced on a very unwilling Department of Defense by perceptions of colossal operational and procurement fiascoes.  The Desert One raid of April 1980 that failed to rescue U.S. personnel held hostage by Iranian “students” [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:27:38+02:00April 4th, 2016|Blogs, Harlan Ullman.|0 Comments
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