Binomul Rusia-China în apele Mediteranei

NATO trebuie să urmeze o politică pe termen lung pentru a descuraja şi contrabalansa o Rusie renăscută care reprezintă o provocare “de durată şi globală” pentru alianţa militară vestică, a declarat comandantul forţelor NATO în Europa, generalul american Philip M. Breedlove. Drumul Mătăsii a legat şi va leaga China de Orientul Mijlociu, Europa şi Africa. Nu sunt niciun fel de îndoieli că pentru Europa China este al doilea partener comercial ca importanță după SUA. Planurile pe care compania de navigație China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) le are în preluarea portului Pireu demonstrează ca Drumul Mătăsii pe mare al Chinei (Marea Chinei de Sud, Oceanul Indian, Marea Roșie, Canalul Suez, Marea [...]

Kim Jung Un – movie critic extraodinaire?

Few sane people would normally find themselves in agreement with North Korea’s boy dictator Kim Jung Un.  The hacking of Sony Pictures over its movie “The Interview,” presumably by North Korea in retaliation for the loony plot to assassinate its supreme leader, was the latest outrage. Howls of protest immediately reverberated from Hollywood’s elite sullied by the unveiling of Sony’s disparaging corporate emails to President Barack Obama’s questioning of “why didn’t they ask me first” before initially deciding not to run the film. Some called for immediate retaliation against North Korea as if this were a de facto act of war.   Others bellowed that it was a patriotic duty of [...]

China testeaza liberalizarea economiei – Zona Libera Shanghai

Duminica s-a deschis oficial zona comerciala libera Shanghai. Un spatiu economic diferit de economia Chinei, o zona noua in care oficialii chinezi testeaza liberalizarea economiei. Scopul declarat de Beijing ar fi restructurarea economiei chineze cu ajutorul acestui experiment, in asa fel incat sa faca fata noilor tendinte ale economiei mondiale. Asadar, aceasta noua zona libera a adus in prim plan discutiile cu privire la restructurarea economiei Chinei si la capacitatea ei de adaptare la schimbarile momentului ce se deruleaza cu o rapiditate aproape “neomeneasca”. Spatiul economic Shanghai reprezinta astfel o portita pentru investitiile straine. Investitii care, de exemplu, nu sunt permise atat de usor in economia chineza. O zona in [...]

China and North Korea: A Tangled Partnership

China appears to be growing frustrated with North Korea's behavior, perhaps to the point of changing its long-standing support for Pyongyang. As North Korea's largest economic sponsor, Beijing has provided the North Korean regime with crucial aid for years and offered it diplomatic protection against the United States and other powers. To outsiders, China's alliance with North Korea seems like a Cold War relic with little reason for persisting into the 21st century. However, Beijing's continued support for Pyongyang is not rooted in shared ideology or past cooperation nearly as much as in China's own security calculations. Perhaps nothing sums up the modern relationship more effectively than the oft repeated [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:41+02:0026 aprilie 2013|Asia, Regiuni|0 Comentarii

Ferocious, Weak and Crazy: The North Korean Strategy

Editor's Note: George Friedman originally wrote this Geopolitical Weekly on North Korea's nuclear strategy on Jan. 29. More than two months later, the geopolitical contours of the still-evolving crisis have become more clear, so we believe it important to once again share with readers the fundamentals outlined in this earlier forecast. North Korea's state-run media reported Sunday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has ordered the country's top security officials to take "substantial and high-profile important state measures," which has been widely interpreted to mean that North Korea is planning its third nuclear test. Kim said the orders were retaliation for the U.S.-led push to tighten U.N. sanctions on [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:41+02:0017 aprilie 2013|Asia, Regiuni|0 Comentarii
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