Un exemplu de diplomatie economica reala

Diplomatia economica inseamna sa folosesti toate resursele, inclusiv cele financiare, de inteligenta, de creativitate sau de alta natura pentru a creste valoarea adaugata a economiei nationale. Prin „valoare adaugata” intelegand diversitate, profitabilitate, deschidere, competitivitate,  performanta tehnologica, incluziunea fortei de munca si totodata mai buna ei pregatire, adaptabilitatea acesteia si flexibilizarea in cadrul pietei muncii, precum si multe alte aspecte, unele tinand chiar de patriotismul economic, cum ar fi exportarea valorilor nationale si impunerea lor prin competitivitate. Asa cum stim, IMM-urile reprezinta un segment foarte important al economiei unei natiuni. Reprezinta chiar coloana vertebrala, chiar daca aceasta sintagma a devenit aproape un cliseu pe cale sa se demonetizeze. Dar el se [...]

Mr. President missing in action?

Regional crises abound. Massive protests in Egypt that ended the flailing Morsi government to continued bloodshed from Afghanistan to Syria are representative of these crises.  Meanwhile, at home, political Tsumanis batter the landscape. Supreme Court actions to strike down parts of the Defense of Marriage (DOMA) and Voting Rights Acts and the White House decision to defer parts of the new Health Care law regarding small businesses for a year rile politics as brutal heat and forest fires torment the West and torrents of rain drench the East make this a long, hot and so far bitter summer for the United States.  Yet, where is President Barack Obama “the world [...]

Starea lumii : noutati despre cresterea economica

Intr-un raport publicat luni, 8 iulie, Organizatia pentru Cooperare si Dezvoltare Economica sustine ca statele dezvoltate ale lumii se redreseaza din punct de vedere al economiei, in timp ce cresterea in principalele economii emergente incetineste. FMI a lansat, de asemenea, o revizuire a prognozei de crestere economica anuntata in luna aprilie, de 3,3%. Seful FMI, Christine Lagarde, estimase ca procentajul va suferi o scadere, in special din cauza incetinirii economiilor emergente. Cifrele publicate in cursul zilei de 9 iulie  confirma scaderea si prevad o crestere de 3,1% pentru 2013, procentele fiind aceleasi cu cele de anul anterior. Daca la inceputul anului se vehicula faptul ca economiile emergente vor sustine cresterea [...]

When governments become destructive

Tomorrow, July 4th, marks America’s Independence Day.  The document we celebrate, the Declaration of Independence that rejected British rule, was the masterpiece of democratic expression written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776.  The most profound lines are not the more famous “When in the course of human events” and “all men are created equal.”  They appear at the end of the first sentence of the document’s second paragraph: “when… government…becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government.” Two hundred and thirty-seven years later, too many governments have become destructive in governing whether through smashing dissent with force or blatant, repressive misuse [...]

America strikes out

Using a baseball metaphor, in the field of national security, when the United States comes to the plate to bat, it often starts with two and a half strikes against it. Strike one is the chronic tendency to misinterpret, distort and even invent threats often for politically expedient reasons. Strike two is the failure to address the question of “what next?” once crucial foreign or national security policy decisions have been taken. Strike two and a half are lapses in oversight of sensitive national security programs that too often occur. Regarding threat assessment, during the Cold War, the U.S. believed that the Soviet Union was “ten feet tall.” It turned [...]

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