About Harlan Ullman

Autor a multiple cărți politice. un lider global de gândire și un strateg inovativ.

What next for syria–breakthrough, breakdown or botched opportunity?

The Obama administration is on the verge of botching an unprecedented opportunity. Prior to the remarkable joint U.S.-Russian initiative that established a process to dispose of Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal, the outlook for the region was grim.  The only certainty was continuing violence that will kill tens of thousands and displace many more hundreds of thousands of Syrians. President Barak Obama had double checkmated himself by declaring that Syrian President Bashar al Assad must stand down from office and then setting a “redline” around using chemical weapons.  Following the chemical attacks that killed some 1400 people on August 21st, Obama made two highly contradictory decisions.  First, the president vowed to [...]

Rummy’s reclama–fixing a broken process

Don Rumsfeld is on tour touting his newest book: Rumsfeld’s Rules, a compilation of lessons accumulated over fifty years of public service.  Mr. Rumsfeld has the distinction of being both America’s youngest and oldest secretary of defense, presiding over three wars---winding down Vietnam and during the past decade, overseeing the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. But it is actually Rumsfeld’s previous book, Known and Unknowns---A Memoir that is more relevant regarding the state of American politics today. Towards the end of that book (and his time as George W. Bush’s secretary of defense), Rumsfeld forwarded a memo to the National Security Council calling for a commission to address what he [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:32+02:004 octombrie 2013|America, Analize si studii, Blog, Harlan Ullman, Regiuni|0 Comentarii

The fall of our discontent

On this anniversary of the attacks that leveled the Twin Towers in New York and part of the Pentagon a dozen years ago, a long, hot and wet summer in Washington, D.C. risks metastasizing into a Fall of Discontent.  Syria is the most incandescent and looming issue underscored by President Barack Obama’s speech last night.  But Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and other ticking time bombs have not been defused.  And world economies remain fragile and emerging markets in flux. Any strike against Syria has the potential to ignite broader regional conflict.  Oil prices would be affected in the extreme with obvious economic consequences that will extend to China and the Pacific.  [...]

A queen of heart’s advice for Syria

Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland offers a relevant insight into how to respond or not   to chemical weapons attacks two weeks ago outside Damascus that claimed nearly 1500 lives.  “Sentence before verdict,” thundered the Queen of Hearts as Alice watched. For much of last week, a punitive military strike seemed imminent before a verdict had been rendered. But the queen also cried “off with their heads!” Evidence mounts that Bashar al Assad’s regime used Sarin filled missiles. Yet, the gross misrepresentations over Saddam Hussein’s non-existent arsenal of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) a dozen years ago are not forgotten and many demand proof beyond a reasonable doubt if force is [...]

Egyptian and arab democracy uber alles?

Insanity has been described as constantly repeating the same mistake and expecting a different outcome. That characterization sadly applies to American attitudes and policies towards much of what is happening in Egypt and the Arab and Islamic worlds.  We have been there before often supporting what is mistakenly regarded as the triumph of some sort of democratic movement over a failing regime that ultimately proves highly destructive to U.S. interests. Remember that German elections led to the appointment of Hitler as chancellor in 1933 and how that turned out. Fidel Castro was the freedom fighter battling the corrupt Batista Government in Cuba more than a half-century ago.  And when the [...]

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